Article “Characterizing the agroecological transition of Italian farming systems using FADN database”

New research article of AgrEcoMed project about Italian agroecology in the journal "Environmental and Sustainability Indicators"...

Free training course for farmers in Basilicata

Between February and March, Biodinamica organises a free training course for organic and in-conversion farmers in Basilicata...

Call for good practices ​of agroecological transition implemented by women and youth in the Mediterranean area​ | Extended to December 31 the deadline

The purpose of the present call, launched in Italy, is to collect, identify and enhance models and examples of good agroecological practices carried out by women- and youth-led enterprises...

The second Agroecological laboratory

Some pictures of the second Agroecological laboratory AgrEcoMed...

Meeting project PROTEAGRI

CREA and Unibas attend the final meeting of the PROTEAGRI project...
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